What is the concept of a Corner of Italy, and why did I create it?
Corner of Italy is an exclusive selection of private properties located all over Italy. Barbara can help you choose the best place for your next vacation or special event depending on your preferences and curiosities. Would you like to sleep in a renovated convent that’s near great wine tasting, natural thermal baths, and located in the heart of the Maremma Tuscan countryside? Would you like to rent a country house transformed into a modern villa, with all of the comforts of home surrounded by lemon and orange groves and a private swimming pool designed by a highly respected Italian landscaper, that’s located just 10 minutes from the beautiful Argentario Sea? Each location selected by Barbara allows the request of private, personalized services to render your holiday exactly how you imagine it. The common denominator of a Corner of Italy is private, charming location, charming family, special experience, local housekeeper, 360 degree services if desired.
Fifteen years ago I rented a house on a private property in Maremma. I was supposed to stay for just 2 months but never left that incredibly charming home. During these years, along with my husband and our two children, we had the opportunity to absorb the tradition of the family that owns the property, a hunting reserve that we feel has become our second home. I realized only then how a place can be part of your life when the experience is that strong. We want to transfer this incredible feeling that Italy provides to its visitors. For this reason a few years ago, I decided to travel with my family around Italy – my husband Alberto is an expert gourmet – and look for more hidden and special places. I started scouting with the idea of looking for private, family-owned properties with charm, care, and history. In the last 10 years Italy has changed as people have invested in transforming their homes (sometimes castles or historical villas!) with the intention of sharing them with visitors, continuing the history of the place. This concept of travel reinterprets the notion of luxury and gives you the possibility of appreciating a 5-star experience made from the location, service, attention to detail, and experiences of local tradition of that region through the eyes of the family who has lived there for a lifetime.– Barbara Lessona – Countess Concierge