The night between February 25th and 26th 2018 surprise surprise announced snow actually arrived ! romans woke up as only in 1985 and 2012 like a real northern country with 15 cm snow !!!!!!

1985 I had arrived on the overnight train from Cortina , just a teen ager one of my first journeys alone with friends , arrived at Tiburtina station the scenery was totally surreal for Rome , snow, trains, few people no taxis no buses running basically desert in the central station! To make a long story short no parents available for pick up afraid of snow and ice ! my amazing young father ex race car driver came to the station with car he had handy the famous iconic Fiat 500 but where is the trick? he deflated the tires so the car would not slid !!!!!!! to this day that memory with the skies sticking outside the roof top and just us in all of Rome is unforgettable !
2012 me mom with two small kids , snow in Rome remembering my dad put kids in the car and went for a drive around highlights: Spanish Steps and Borghese Gallery driving by……..silence and desert again literally just us in all of Rome ! this time it is an Audi 4×4 with winter tires !!!!!!! we had a ball !!!!!!!!!
2018 kids grew up , it is the time of selfies and mom not in fashion any more so drove through Rome in my adorable Fiat Panda and took beautiful pictures as driving by!!!!!!!!!
next time I might be a Grandma and history goes round the Clock!!!!!!!!!!